Blogs > Community Commentary

Featuring the Morning Sun's community editorial board . . .

Tuesday, April 27, 2010



The United State’s Supreme Court refuses to rule in the Asian carp dispute! Whoooo – those of us who live in the Great Lakes region are in big trouble.
A century ago when the ship canal was built to make a connection from the Great Lakes to the Mississippi River it probably sounded like a great idea. (Despite the comments from others, I was not there to witness the event!)
But as so often as has happened, folks decided to tamper with Mother Nature and brought these huge fish from Asia so they could “gobble up unwanted algae at sewage treatment plants and fish farms” in the southern part of our country. And – they escaped into the “Big Muddy” and have really reproduced.
Now I don’t know a lot about fish but while growing up in Michigan, even I knew that carp was not a desired type of fish and they do eat a lot of “stuff”.
So now, the decision to stop these “trash fish” from invading the LARGEST FRESH WATER SOURCE IN THE WORLD (the Great Lakes) is in the hands of our President and his people.
Closing the route from the Chicago area to Lake Michigan would hurt the Chicago area financially, but no where near what it would cost the other Great Lakes states if these fish are not stopped.
Now lets see, where is the President and most of his people from? CHICAGO!?!?
I feel that we are in BIG trouble.


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Proposed Texting Law

The Michigan legislature has proposed a new traffic law that will be a farce and will all but unenforceable. This legislature has come up with a part time solution for a very serious offense and they should be ashamed of themselves, as proposed it is a sham. It will be a secondary offense, which means a officer will have to have another violation just to make the traffic stop. Picture two vehicles passing each other in opposite direction at 55 MPH. The officer sees the other driver texting and by the time he stops and turns around and catches up with the offender, if there is no other violation, the stop cannot even be made. If another violation allows the stop, the driver has had time to hide the instrument. But if a citation was issued and the driver is found guilty, the first offense fine is $100, without any points applied to the drivers record. I think if we were issued a 10 MPH over the speed limit, it would be very close to a fine of $100. So how really serious is this full time legislature solving a real and serious problem. Our roads are as bad as they they have ever been in two generations. Police departments all over the state and country are being reduced, the police and the entire legal system are becoming back logged, and none needs a sham of a law. I suggest for a part time solution to a very serious problem, we need a part time legislature, how much more worse could it be ?

Friday, April 23, 2010


This summer there will be an election regarding the library and road improvements. If you are an active believer in the responsibilities of your rights you should decide to vote. As a first generation American citizen I take my responsibilities very seriously. The vast majority of people in the world cannot or will not vote.

I have no influence on how you vote, but I plead with you to go to the your poll and make marks on the ballot.

In local issues we may assume that the groups that put propositions on ballots are reasonably honest. If you have verifiable evidence to the contrary write a letter to the Morning Sun Editor and tell everyone about your concerns. You can also comment to this blog and I will pass such information along.

Do you or members of your family use the library? Do you believe it serves a worthwhile purpose? In areas having branch libraries ask your self what would happen if that branch closed. Yes, the library gets funds from several sources but the library board truly believes it needs more. Make your decision not because you don't like someone on the board or someone who works for the library, but because you believe the service is needed, just as Benjamin Franklin did when he started the first one in Philadelphia.

As to the roads, no one likes to spend money on them but are sure ready to complain when they don't get repaired, extended, resurfaced or plowed depending on the season. If you need roads you have to pay for them one way or another. For the longer highways, changing them to toll roads has worked in some states such as Ohio and Illinois. That might be a possibility in the future. This election is about local roads; those you use every day.

In either case think through what you want to do for good reasons and vote!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Morey Foundation, Does It Again

A local group of interested citizens have been working on this project for a few years. It has made steady progress, but now suddenly the project seems to have come into full bloom.

The Morey Foundation and the Morey family have pleaded $1 million dollars and have promised matching funds from other groups.

This project is of great value to our children, where they learn about mother nature, and they have all kinds of hands on, fun times this is a family experiance, where quality time is spent together. It is not a baby sitter situation.

This is another fine example of the good quality of life that this group and the foundation will have added this community.


Can you locate these cats in downtown Mount Pleasant?

GOP leader says Senate will block CMU, other university appointments - The Morning Sun (

GOP leader says Senate will block CMU, other university appointments - The Morning Sun ( "GOP leader says Senate will block CMU, other university appointments
Thursday, April 22, 2010 5:19 AM EDT"

More politics as usual, the rush by the Governor to place friendly members on the university boards, followed by the threat by the opposite side to block all of the appointments. It seems to be all or nothing in this game. We have a state in financial crisis with a looming state budget that will be ugly, and the best they can do is this.

Get a grip people.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


If you have one or more children in middle school you should already be planning how to pay for their college education. Don't assume they will get a full-ride scholarship because you think they are so bright. Don't assume they will get an athletic scholarship.

Sit down with them and determine what career they want to pursue (don't bank on CEO or brain surgeon). Go on line and find out the huge variety of specialties there are in a field they are interested in. Specialization is where the jobs will be and the best qualified wins.

Keep on them to do well in school. Are they doing their homework? Can they read, write, and do arithmetic? Don't take their word for it. Test them. Talk to their teachers. How well did they do on their MEAPS?

The teacher is not your child's enemy and will give you an honest evaluation of how the student is or isn't doing.

Community College is a good alternative to a University for many young people. Everyone does not need a four-year degree: they need to show evidence that they are ready to step into the work force.

Look into the costs: they will be higher when your children go. The reason is that so many fields require upgraded computer-related tools that will be essential to the field. In popular fields professors can get more than twice the salary in industry as in teaching, with a lot let hassel.

Start saving now. Put regular deposits in insured accounts. Have the child contribute regularly; even a dollar a week for ten years will help. If money is tight tell the child that the money that might have gone into a fancy car is going toward education.

Your children are worth the planning and sacrifice.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Remember Dorothy Height in your prayers. She died today at age 98. She lived through the era when being black was a constant terror; when being a black woman was a constant terror.

She fought for much of her life for what most of us take for granted: individual freedom and liberty.

Today there are too many who want to return to a time when Dorothy Height was young. We cannot allow that to happen. The American dream shall continue to spread and will include those now despised, unwanted, at the edge.

Try to look for a moment through her brilliant eyes while she lived, and make your own life richer here in Mount Pleasant.



As I was driving through town, I found myself in back of an older model automobile that obviously had a wheel problem. The back left tire was “slanted” and looked about to fall off! (It didn’t while I was behind it!)

It got me to thinking (folks who know me say that alone is a novelty) that we should be more careful before we drive our cars. Airplane pilots go through a regimented routine before even attempting to fly their aircraft into the air. I believe they call it a “pre-flight”.

Statistics tell us that automobiles are involved in MANY MORE accidents than airplanes.
So, before we climb into that car for our next trip, why not at least do a “walk-a-round” a “pre-drive” to check for obvious problems. It could save some real headaches!




I am just amazed at the cost of government at all levels. One example is our national census which is currently underway. Ask yourself, just how many tax dollars are wasted on those “sophisticated” TV ads that they have been and are still running. The “clip” at the end says they are being paid by the government!

And here in our great state of Michigan, they have passed a law that prohibits smoking in public places (at least most of them).

Now I’m a non-smoker so I don’t have a horse in this race. But I keep reading and hearing that the government folks are worried about “funding” for this new law. I know I’m guilty of oversimplification but what’s to pay for? The law says NO SMOKING – so we can’t smoke. Other than the appropriate signs, where are the new expenses?


bridge tournament

The Doherty Hotel in Clare hosted a 39 table, 78 team bridge tournament Sunday, April 17, 2010 and Monday, April 18, 2010. The top seven team winners were: Haddad/Haddad, 18200 points; Oates/Oates, 17700 points; Nadeau/Nadeau, 17500 points; Catrell/Catrell, 15180 points; O'Connell/Smoke, 14930 points; Fosburg/Weber, 14730 points; and Champagne/Malloy, 13980 points.
Bridge players came from all areas of Michigan to play including many teams from Mt. Pleasant, Alma, Clare, Houghton Lake and Midland.

Monday, April 19, 2010


This is a great article.

Congratulations Mark and the Morning Sun!


I was very glad to read in today's paper that Kris Moutsatson will open a new book store at 1014 Mission. I have known Kris for many years and know she is doing what her heart is telling her to. She loves books and will carry and order what the public wants.

What she needs is support. Mt. Pleasant cannot do without a good book store, so please consider buying from a local merchant instead of the huge chain stores and the Internet. Too often the convenience of getting a best seller delivered to your door does not compensate for the pleasure of knowing the seller, chatting about what's new, seeing a large variety of titles, and smelling the binding of a new book.

The younger generation will soon do without paper books all together: Nooks, Kindles and iPads will be the primary way of obtaining written material. Within a few years high-school and university texts will be downloaded for the semester. The device doesn't weigh any different if it contains ten or a thousand "books."

Please cherish a fine local bookstore as a way of facing a brave new world by buying real books from real local people.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

townsip government

Commenting on government size, Morning Sun April 15, 2010
Times Change!
We have changed our schools from Brinton to Barryton or Weidman, to Chippewa Hills School District.
Our jobs and daily activities have moved from small towns to larger cities and areas.
What role does local township government play in our lives? The main expenditure of local township government is salaries and hall upkeep. Is it time to move township government to county or city government?


Old news I could not post.
For over 50 years area bridge players have taken part in "the Monday Bridge Tournament". The top three winners of the last 6 week, 10 team tournament was Barnes/Olson; Brewster/Chamachien and Roy/Smoke.

getting started

I am finally actually posting a blog. I am a very literate, well read, informed person but it has taken me two weeks to post my first blog. (if it is really going!) To all of the Morning Sun readers that are afraid of trying something new, Keep going. You are old when you do not try new things.

Friday, April 16, 2010




When THE MORNING SUN suggested that members of THE MORNING SUN EDITORIAL BOARD become “bloggers”, I made a decision. I was certain that the more serious and scholarly members of the board would handle the “heavy stuff”, the serious stuff. So I felt it is my duty to attempt to keep it light. I’m finding it tough.

Living in Alma, I’m finding more and more serious things happening. Certainly the prospect of having an energy park, which has been a proposed project for some time now is a positive thing. But there are many negatives.

As we all know, the once highly industrialized community no longer has much industry. Again, as we all know, the economy is terrible. Unemployment is the highest that any of the older generation can recall, and yet the “city fathers” keep spending as though all is fine with the comment that we are in better shape than many other communities.

When you question some of the expenses, it is stated that much of this money is from “grants”. Now I may be wrong, but I believe government grants are still TAX MONEY and in most cases must be matched, or partially matched, with local funds.

I have been told that I am against progress. That’s not really true. What I’m against is spending unnecessarily in times such as these. If we can’t afford something at home, we have to go without.

Oh well. I did see a bumper sticker on my walk today. It stated: Everyone complains about the cost of living – but living is still very popular.

I also think my blog on Oreo Cookie Cows should be examined. The “baby cows” are really cute!



Indications are that the average family will get a federal tax refund of over $3000 for 2009. I hear a lot of complaints about paying taxes, and assume it's just natural. The following propositions are meant for you alone. No information will be gathered or divulged; this is only for your own use.

Part 1: Put the following in order of importance to you at the present time. 1. garbage collection, 2. road repair, 3. police protection, 4. fire protection, 5. good schools.

Part 2: Take the top-ranking item from part 1- if there were no taxes would you be willing to pay for the service when needed? If so, how much would you be willing to pay?

Part 3: For this same service which do you suppose would cost least for the community? A. Everyone pays for the service when used. B. We all pay a premium into a pot which pays for the services for everyone contributing. C. We all pay a tax based on community need.

Part 4. Suppose you had to provide the specified service. How much do you suppose you would have to pay to become qualified to perform the service? What wages would you expect for performing the service?

Part 5: Suppose you elected to let someone else do the task that you consideer important. Would you expect high quality service if the individual doing the work received the minimum wage and no benefits? What pay and benefits are appropriate?

Part 6: Assume everyone else in the community had as bad a year as you did in 2009. If there was absolutely no money left for the city to provide for this service, and there was no evidence of fraud or larceny associated with the budget and its use would you do without the service until the money was available?

Several tax options will be on the ballot this summer. Please become familiar with all aspects of a new tax: How much money is required? How will it be spent? If it passes will other sources of income to the community be reduced? How much will you have to pay?

If you want the service you may have to pay for it, one way or another.

National Healthcare Decision Day

Today, April 16th, is National Healthcare decision day. Do you have your healthcare wishes down on paper? Have you talked with your loved ones about what those wishes are?

We should all be mindful of the burden placed on loved ones when decisions have to be made in a medical crisis. It is the worst possible time to have to make decisions. If you've put your wishes on paper it takes the burden off your loved ones and help ensure your wishes are followed.

But just getting them on paper isn't enough. That document has to be easily accessible to health care professionals providing your care. If you are at the hospital at 9:00 on Saturday night and the document is in your doctor's office, it won't do you much good. If you're traveling out of your home area and have an emergency you need to have the document with you.

I encourage people to have an envelope with health history and healthcare wishes, including a Durable Medical Power of Attorney. Keep a copy in your car's glove compartment and one in your suitcase. Then no matter where you are, you have a copy with you. It is the only way to be sure your wishes are followed.

If you need a Durable Medical Power of Attorney form you can get them on line or at Woodland Hospice. Just call 989-773-6137 and we're happy to mail one out. Your attorney can also help.

For more information on National Healthcare Decision Day check out

Teachers as Heroes

I received this in an e-mail message today and it moved me, so thought I should share it with anyone ingterested in public education. I hand typed it in so it may have typo's not seen in original document - this blog does not allow cut-paste! :-(

An essay written by an assistant principal in Ohio.
By J. Bradley

"Where are the heroes of today?" a radio talk show host thundered.

He blames society's shortcomings on education. Too many people are looking for heroes in all the wrong places. movie stars and rock musicians, atheletes, and models aren't heroes; they're celebrities. Heroes abound in public schools, a fact that doesn't make the news. There is no precedent for the level of violence, drugs, broken homes, child abuse, and crime in today's America. Education didn't create these problems but deals with them every day.

You want heroes?

Consider Dave Sanders, the school teacher shot to death while trying to shield his students from two youths on a shooting rampage at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado. Sanders gave his life, along with 12 studnets, and other less heralded heroes survived the Colorado blood bath.

You want heroes?

Jane Smith, a Fayetteville, NC teacher, was moved by the plight of one of her students, a boy dying for want of a kidney transplant. So this woman told the family of a 14 year old boy that she would give him one of her kidneys. And she did. When they subsequently appeared together hugging on the Today Show, even Katie Couric was near tears.

You want heroes?

Doris Dillon dreamed all her life of being a teacher. She not only made it, she was one of those wondrous teachers who could bring the best out of every single child. One of her fellow teachers in San Jose, Calif., said, "She could teach a rock to read."

Suddenly she was stricken with Lou Gehrig's Disease which is always fatal, usually within five years. She asked to stay on the job ... and did. When her voice was affected she communicated by computer.

Did she go home? Absolutely not! She is running two elementary libraries! When the disease was diagnosed, she wrote the staff and all the familes that she had one last lesson to teach .... that dying is part of living. Her colleagues named her Teacher of the Year.

You want heroes?

Bob House, a teacher in Gay, Georgia, tried out for Who Wants to be a Millionaire. After he won the million dollars, a network film crew wanted to follow up to see how it had impacted his life. New cars? Big new house? Instead, they found bot Bob House and his wife still teaching. they explained that it was what they had always wanted to do with their lives and that would not change. The community was both stunned and gratified.

You want heroes?

Last year the average school teacher spent $468 of their own money for student necessities ... work books, pencils .. supplies kids had to have but could not afford. That's a lot of money from the pockets of the most poorly paid teachers in the industrial world.

Schools don't teach values? The critics are dead wrong.

Public education provides more Sunday School teachers than any other profession. The average teacher works more hours in nine months than the average 40-hour employee does in a year.

You want heroes?

For millions of kids, the hug they get from a teacher is the only hug they will get that day because the nation is living through the worst parenting in history.

An Argyle, Texas kindergarten teacher hugs her little 5 and 6 years-olds so much that both the boys and the girls run up and hug her when they see her in the hall, at the football games, or in the malls years later.

A Michigan principal moved me to tears with the story of her attempt to rescue a badly abused little boy who doted on a stuffed animal on her desk .. one that said "I love you!" He said he'd never been told that at home. This is a constant intoday's society .. two million unwanted, unloved, abused children in the public shools, the only institution that takes them all in.

You want heroes?

Visit any special education class and watch the miracle of personal interaction, a job so difficult that fellow teachers are awed by the dedication they witness. There is a sentence from an unnamed source which says: "We have been so eager to give our children what we didn't have that we have neglected to give them what we did have."

What is it that our kids really need? What do they really want?

Math, science, history and social studies are important, but children need love, confidence, encouragement, someone to talk to, someone to listen, standards to live by. Teachers provide upright examples, the faith and assurance of responsible people.

You want heroes?

Then go down to your local school and see our real live heroes, the ones changing lives for the better each and every day!

Now, pass this on to someone you know who's a teacher, or someone who should thank a teacher today. I'd like to see this sent to all those who cut down the importance of teachers. They have no idea who a school teacher is or what they do.

J. Bradley-Asst. Principal
Fairland High School
Proctorville, OH

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Alma Energy Park.

This has been an on going project that started out being a huge development at the very time when this nation’s economy was going south very fast. The Wall Street money was just not available nor was the government funding.. The project was reduced to produce jet fuel for the airlines, which was causing that industory a lot of pain. Now we are being told that the project is again scaled down to provide a scarce fuel for the USAF that can only be purchased off shore. By that I could envision it being produced in the Persian Gulf.

Mr. Sawruk is a big time business man who owns M and M Energy, has been in and out of Alma a few times and has made presentations to a few select groups. I witnessed one of his presentations and was very impressed with him; he is a very enthused person and is an expert in his field.

I hope that he can make this project work for the people of Alma and of Gratiot Co. All of Gratiot Co. is in dire need of good paying jobs, and a solid tax base. Even if now it’s only 20 to 25 good paying jobs. If this was to be established who knows what else would be built along with this fuel source for our very own USAF.

However it’s time that Mr. Sawruk, stand up and be counted, to come to Alma and hold a series of meetings so that anyone who is interested in the quality of life for Gratiot Co could attend and ask their questions. It’s also time for Mr. Sawruk, to lay out his plan and show and tell where the money will come from, how much of his money will be used to promote this project. He can be the best business man in the world but if he can’t answer the questions and sell the project to the people of Alma and Gratiot Co. I don’t think it will work. However, I want to be very positive about this and invite Mr. Sawruk to come back and make his sale to the people.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What a mess

I just happened to be driving on Bluegrass between Sweeny and Enterprise and noticed the trash that has been allowed to accumulate on the north side of the road. The property is for sale, but I guess the sellers do not know about staging for a sale. This mess does not speak well for the interests of Union Two and perhaps the property owner should be directed to clean it up.


This afternoon the Art Reach Picture Program held its 25th end-of-the-year get-together in the Cobbler Shoppe (more on that in another blog). I met a young man, Matt Young, who represents that rare person who has a full time job yet makes time to serve the community. He is in marketing for local station WCFX, and one Friday afternnoon a month is a docent for four classes at PullenElementary. He shows two works of art to two second grades and two third grades.
He spoke about the experience with enthusiasm, wit, and poise. The children look forward to his visits and his teachers think very highly of him.
Please consider performing some civic activity to make Mt. Pleasant an even better place to live for you, your family and the fokes who live here.


Several states allow citizens to carry various weapons in holsters exposed to public view. I think it is great that one of these is the wonderful state of Michigan: all those macho gun totters really make me feel , well, safe. However a gradual approach to this gun slinging might be in order. I recommend that Michigan law be altered to allow only the open display of paint guns. Yes, this would show whose is bigger than whose. If someone insults you, just give him a squirt of red right in the face: BLAM! Nervous New-Be's to the sport should be careful, however, not to paint themselves in the foot.

Monday, April 12, 2010


I do not know Patricia Eckert or Wilma Mankiller.

It was so refreshing to read about a real tribute to a person who made a sufficient impact in one’s life.

Thank you, Patricia for sharing your experiences with Wilma….you really paid a great heartwarming tribute to her and you made those of us who were not aware of her, know there are a lot of good people around us.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The rest of the story

“I am in possession of a copy of both original police depts. The original police report is dated July 26, 1007 regarding the alleged police brutality of Albert Bland, during the Isabella County Sheriff’s Dept investigation into an incident at the Bland residence. I would be more then happy to snail mail anyone a copy of my copy who would like to read it in its entirety.

The incident starts at the Bland residence, when 2 MMR medics arrive on a medical call for assistance. Mrs. Bland was being checked over, when suddenly Mr. Bland became upset, and grabbed 1 medic by his arm and started shoving him toward the door, and then he grabbed Mrs. Bland and shoved her into the other medic. Both medics and Mrs. Bland went inside the ambulance for their safety and to conduct their evaluation of the patient.
The medics were not allowed back into the residence to retrieve their medical equipment, by Mr. Bland. Fearing for their safety they called for police assistance and departed for the E.R.

Deputy Dush made contact with Mr. Bland in the CMCH parking lot, and when he approached Bland, Mr. Bland became very upset, and told Dush he was a State Trooper and he didn’t have to talk with Dush. Dush advised Bland he was conducting a criminal investigation and that he obstructed the 2 medics in the performance of their duties. At that point Mr. Bland attacked and punched Dush. Bland continued to attack and hit Dush, knocking his eye glasses off his head. Two other police officers came to the aid of Dush and both tried to restrain Bland, then Bland struck the other male deputy sheriff. At that point Dush was able to get his taser out of its holster and to regain control of Bland, Dush tasered him, then Bland was handcuffed and placed in the back of the patrol car. The 2 medics came out to the patrol car and checked Mr. Bland over, and they said, his only injuries were abrasions and didn’t need medical attention.”

I would like to add two footnotes here:

#1 Bland is not a state trooper; he has been retired for many years.

#2 None of the police officers or their depts. Have been served with any kind of a legal suit even at this late date.


I happen to be a sports fan, but I really don’t follow professional golf to any great extant. I do usually like to view the final round of the “majors”.
I really haven’t paid too much attention to Tiger Woods and his troubles and I certainly am not qualified to judge him in his current circumstances.
However, I was appalled to see him and hear him on television the other day stating that his troubles are similar to those experienced by Ben Hogan some years ago.
Those of us old enough to remember recall that Ben was badly injured in an auto accident. He nearly died and the doctors felt he would probably never walk again. One reason he was so badly injured is that he threw himself over his wife to protect her from what authorities said would probably have been her death.
Sorry Tiger. There is NO comparison between your “time off” and Ben Hogans’.


Saturday, April 10, 2010

What an Art Reach Docent Does

This is a typical work displayed to two 6th grade classes at Mary McGuire School. The docent presents two artists a month, tells of the life and times of the artist. The Art Reach Picture Program is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year.

Stevens Retires from Supreme Court

Yesterday, Associate Judge John Paul Stevens announced he will soon retire from the Supreme Court. Why does this matter to Mount Pleasant? Because Justice Stevens represents that rare combination of legal conservatism and sound moral justice. He is the long-sought-after "compassionate Republican." Today's political turmoil requires a replacement who will provide the same leadership qualities, knowledge of the United States Constitution, and an understanding of stare decisis to maintain sound and just decisions. President Obama will need to look carefully for a candidate that has the integrity required to withstand the terrible test of the Congress this summer. We all wish the candidate well.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Well I figured that I had to beat Bolton to the punch and put the first picture on the blog. I took this last week in West Virginia. Its not as good as Maine I'm sure, but I still like it.
Lets get busy Bolton


Families are getting government checks in the mail. In most years this is bad (the tax payer gave the government too much money; the government had it instead of the individuals). 2009, however was bad for most of us. The worst recession in decades made money extremely tight.
The government sent out checks and increased tax deductions to help ease the pain a bit. Many are paying outstanding bills or putting the money in the bank. While this seems like a good thing to do, consider the impact on the economy if every refund dollar went to debt or bank accounts: there would be less demand for goods and services, therefore companies would not hire workers, prolonging unemployment.
Think through what you will do with your refund: pay over-due bills, put some in the bank, and buy something that needs replacement. After all, the bargain prices won't last forever.
(In our case, the dishwasher suffered cardiac arrest so we got a new one.)


Bart Stupak

April 9: Bart Stupak just announced he would not run again for the House of Representatives. He addressed the issues that were important to him, and how he felt honored to serve the people of Michigan. There was no bitterness in his speech about the terrible things said about him regarding the federal health bill. While I did not agree with him on all issues I admire his dedication and unswerving resolve to work in the best interests of his constituents.



Just as a note of introduction, my name is Les Rosan, and I am a charter community member of the Morning Sun Editorial Board. My background is law enforcement where I spent 32 years before career shifting in 2006. I am currently a state licensed Professional Investigator and I am President, CEO, CFO, Secretary, Account, and Tech Support of my own one man company LES ROSAN IVESTIGATIONS.
My interests are varied and include photography, cycling, reading, gardening, technology, walks on the beach, sunsets, and an occasional pina colada. (Sounds like a personal ad)
I reside in Alma, but worked in Mt. Pleasant for 28 years, so I am familiar with issues that affect both Gratiot and Isabella Counties. My involvement with the Morning Sun began when I would write letters to the editor that were usually in disagreement with certain opinions that had been expressed by the Editor, aka, ED. Since it did not appear that my letters did much to alter his somewhat lopsided opinions, I took the opportunity when it arose to join the Editorial Board, where I could persuade Ed face to face. Over the years that I have been active with the Editorial Board, that really hasn't worked either, but I now have a much better understanding of Ed, even if we were polarized on so many issues in the past.
I hope to be an active contributor to this blog as it pertains to the many issues that I am sure will arise.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


To blog or not to blog – that is the question.
I have never been a big fan of blogs, blogings, or bloggers! (Probably all of these terms are incorrect!)
The source, WIKIPEDIA, says that “blog” is simply a contraction of the term “web-log”. It is estimated that there are over 12,000,000 blogs on the world wide web at this point – so maybe one more.
Most of the blogs I have read are by folks that are really involved in politics (“left and right”) and very opinionated. So – that’s not where I want to be!
If you read (follow) my blogs I hope you will take them with a grain of salt – not too serious will most of them be – but if I get my dander up, I can “get hot”!
I may mention the happenings in and around Alma town. Such as the where-abouts and activities of the famed Alma City street sweeper! When and how the city acquired a brand new (from it’s appearance) garbage truck which is apparently being used to pick up our yard waste. Maybe a comment questioning just how many dial-a-ride buses a town of Alma’s size should have.
I may pick on the spending habits of our city council during these tough economic times. And, due to the fact that I have a propensity for rhyming things, I just may ignore things that are happening anywhere and give you a few of my poems(????). (I do have a lot of them)!
So, if you do decide to read “my blogs” from time to time, don’t be too hard on me. Comments are welcome, but I really hope what I put in here will brighten your day – at least a little bit. Heaven knows, we have enough “not-positive” things to face each day.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Hi everyone!

I'm looking forward to blogging and sharing discussions here. My blogging will probably mostly be about local politics, health care, current events and perhaps some photos of life in central Michigan.

Thanks to the Morning Sun for the Editorial Board Blogspot!