Blogs > Community Commentary

Featuring the Morning Sun's community editorial board . . .

Friday, April 16, 2010


Indications are that the average family will get a federal tax refund of over $3000 for 2009. I hear a lot of complaints about paying taxes, and assume it's just natural. The following propositions are meant for you alone. No information will be gathered or divulged; this is only for your own use.

Part 1: Put the following in order of importance to you at the present time. 1. garbage collection, 2. road repair, 3. police protection, 4. fire protection, 5. good schools.

Part 2: Take the top-ranking item from part 1- if there were no taxes would you be willing to pay for the service when needed? If so, how much would you be willing to pay?

Part 3: For this same service which do you suppose would cost least for the community? A. Everyone pays for the service when used. B. We all pay a premium into a pot which pays for the services for everyone contributing. C. We all pay a tax based on community need.

Part 4. Suppose you had to provide the specified service. How much do you suppose you would have to pay to become qualified to perform the service? What wages would you expect for performing the service?

Part 5: Suppose you elected to let someone else do the task that you consideer important. Would you expect high quality service if the individual doing the work received the minimum wage and no benefits? What pay and benefits are appropriate?

Part 6: Assume everyone else in the community had as bad a year as you did in 2009. If there was absolutely no money left for the city to provide for this service, and there was no evidence of fraud or larceny associated with the budget and its use would you do without the service until the money was available?

Several tax options will be on the ballot this summer. Please become familiar with all aspects of a new tax: How much money is required? How will it be spent? If it passes will other sources of income to the community be reduced? How much will you have to pay?

If you want the service you may have to pay for it, one way or another.


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