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Friday, April 9, 2010

Bart Stupak

April 9: Bart Stupak just announced he would not run again for the House of Representatives. He addressed the issues that were important to him, and how he felt honored to serve the people of Michigan. There was no bitterness in his speech about the terrible things said about him regarding the federal health bill. While I did not agree with him on all issues I admire his dedication and unswerving resolve to work in the best interests of his constituents.



Blogger Dan Marvin said...

This is an example of how a small number of citizens has hijacked an entire party and pretends to speak for everyone. Bart Stupak, although a Democrat, has been consistently against abortion for his entire political carreer, which is the center piece of the Republican party's ideology. A normal person from the right would consider his position a noble one, especially since it goes against his own party.

Of course, in today's political "Bizzaro World", regardless of what someone with a "D" in front of their name says or does, they are labeled as evil! Bart could vote 100% for the Republic platform and vote against all Democratic bills and would still be attacked by the right-wing hijackers.

Very sad state of affairs! I blame it on the loud mouthed extremests like Limbaugh who make a living selling hate. There is little choice in the mainstream media for those living in on the left or even the middle and would like to listen to political radio. Hate and negative attackes sell and increase the ratings, so sadly, it will continue.

April 12, 2010 at 5:39 PM 

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