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Featuring the Morning Sun's community editorial board . . .

Thursday, June 24, 2010



I was amused recently as I read an article that may partially explain much about our current world situation.

It seems, a “study shows”, that the current younger generation is receiving higher I.Q. scores than any group in recorded history! (At least that’s what it said!) So – that means they are the smartest group ever, right?!?!

I recall when I was a member of the “younger generation” and I recollect our age group (me included) felt we were pretty smart and pretty much had all the answers. At the time, we felt that our “older generation” (our parents) really “didn’t have a clue”.

I was really astounded how much smarter my parents were when I returned from four years in the United States Air Force. I don’t know about their I.Q. scores – but they certainly had become wiser.

Perhaps I might humbly suggest that the current self proclaimed smartest group ever might be thankful for their high I.Q. scores – and then test themselves to see if they have developed any C.S. (COMMON SENSE).



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You ar3e right Bert. An article in the Scientific American infered that while the human brain loses some capabilitied with age, wisdom increases. Pitchers do better on one of these tests than catchers so all would-be professional players have to take the test. Results on the field so not correlate with test results.

June 25, 2010 at 1:03 PM 

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