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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Should the ad mention the marshall's office?

Lately I have noticed an advertisement that is being paid for and printed in the Morning Sun newspaper. I have no complaint with the paper accepting an advertisement, without ads, we won’t have a paper.

My complaint is with the ad. The ad talks about a school that will teach people the laws and to qualify them for a CCW permit which is still ok; the part that I object to is that within the ad, it advises people that the contact location will be at the Sherman Township Marshals office.
Let me explain. First of all, whoever is putting on this school appears to be a public servant and when it’s mentioned that the location is at that person’s office. Even if, the office happens to be owned by a private person, the fact that a public office is mentioned is unethical. Now if this person was doing the training as a public service that would be different, but that’s not the case within the ad it talks about the fee’s that are charged and the service provided.

It is unethical for a public servant to use their title and their office for gainful employment. If they used their own name and the address of their private home, that would be the difference. As the ad stands now, it’s very unethical and the township board should correct this. What really is the policy of the Sherman Township Board toward its Marshal?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel the government has taken over too much already,and is not going to stop until they control everything in our lives.Where is the freedom?I did vote for Obama,but am so sorry,and never will again.He sure fooled me.I had always heard the Democrats were for the poor,and Republicans for the rich,but I feel they are all for themselves.

June 27, 2010 at 11:16 AM 

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