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Featuring the Morning Sun's community editorial board . . .

Friday, July 16, 2010


More than 30,000 Americans die of gun wounds every year, yet our beloved five-man Supreme Court press determined that the “right to bear arms” supersedes state and local gun-control laws. According to NRA folks everyone is safer now that “the right kind” of citizens walk around with loaded handguns in public.

So be it. If this is the case let’s go one step further: make it mandatory for gun slingers to have their guns visible at all times, just as the police do. That should really scare the criminal element. I think it will scare everybody! I can see it now on Broadway. “Hey Slim. There’s Slade McGraw with his gun showin’. Yours is bigger than his’en. You got every reason to show him who’s boss!” Perhaps the city will place spittoons on every corner downtown, because I imagine chewing tobacco sales are sure to rise. It is sure to mean more business for the proprietors of Helms, Lux and Clark.

As a retired military officer I know what weapons are for. They are designed to kill an adversary. Wearing them as costume jewelry is not what the writers of the Constitution had in mind. An armed crowd can do terrible things, particularly in today’s strained political and economic climate.

If you thinks more guns on the street is good for the community help find ways to put more police on the beat, or bring in the National Guard. Armed people pushing shopping carts is not the way to make us all safer.

(I lost my internet connection for a few days, postponing this blog. With the recent gun-related murders in our area the subject is even more critical.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the way to controls guns are many but the way you have told is really nice.
thanks for this great info.
Airsoft Store

July 17, 2010 at 8:44 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have guns. I am a smart man. I don't need a spittoon, and I speak quite distictly! Your comments and stereotyping only show your lack of knowledge and how you have limitied your thinking ability. Check out your own 30,000 statistic and report back how it really relates to those of us who have chosen to keep and carry a weapon. I am sorry I did not see this blog entry of yours sooner. Signed, Mark Bartholomew of Alma Michigan

December 5, 2010 at 8:01 PM 

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