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Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Message from Senator Judy K. Emmons

Dear Friend:

To keep you up-to-date on legislative and district happenings, I will periodically create e-mail news blasts to share important information with my constituents. Additional information is available on my Web site for your review. You may visit my Web site at

Today I'd like to share with you the following resolution I introduced.

A resolution observing the National Day of Prayer on May 5, 2011.

Whereas, A National Day of Prayer has been part of America's heritage since it was declared by the First Continental Congress in 1775; and
Whereas, The 60th observance of the National Day of Prayer will be held Thursday, May 5, 2011; and
Whereas, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed that our nation should set apart a day for national prayer to confess our sins and transgressions in sorrow, "yet with assured hope that genuine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon...announced in the Holy Scriptures 'The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him. Nahum 1:7' "; and
Whereas, We are thankful for the abundant blessings that have been bestowed on America. Our forefathers looked to God as protector, provider, and the promise of hope. We have wandered far from that firm foundation. May we repent for turning our backs on God's faithfulness. We ask that this great state and nation be restored by God's forgiveness and mercy; and
Whereas, We, as a state, give thanks for the freedoms we enjoy, that the state of Michigan and its people will be blessed and protected from those who threaten our republic and the foundations of our heritage; and
Whereas, Leaders of our nation have relied upon prayer throughout American history. We give thanks for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, including the freedom to gather and pray; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate, That we proclaim and honor this long tradition and declare Thursday, May 5, 2011, as Michigan's Day of Prayer; and be it further
Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Michigan Governmental Prayer Alliance with our highest esteem.

Please feel free to share this email with friends, family or colleagues.

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Judy K. Emmons
State Senator
33rd District


Blogger Dan Marvin said...

Although I am somewhat of a spiritual person and try to pray almost every day, I hate it when politicians make these phony types of resolutions over such personal issues such as prayer. I would rather that they consider what would Jesus or whomever their spritual leader may be, think of their voting decisions. I believe that many of these politicians would disappoint Jesus if he were here today.

May 10, 2011 at 10:33 PM 

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