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Featuring the Morning Sun's community editorial board . . .

Thursday, November 4, 2010


The election is over and no one truly won. It was lost because only 43% or so of the potential voters showed up at the polls. It was however the most elaborate election that money could buy.

The Democrats didn’t win, though they kept a thin margin in the Senate. Some of the projects begun in the last two years may be thwarted, but the voters do want additional progress in creating an atmosphere for small business to hire more workers. Today’s movement to print more money by the Federal Reserve is a step in the right direction, I guess.

The Republicans didn’t win because their every step in the next two years will be watched very carefully. They will not be able to follow the agenda of the far right. The voters focused on the economy and will take no excuses should it falter. We should, however, start calling the Republicans the GOtP, because the tea partiers will continue to believe that they have the magic to change this country back to what it was in the 18th century. The mischief will be in the redistricting of voter precincts that will influence elections for the coming decade.

The only way for the United States to win this election is by insisting that the way in which Congress passes laws must be over-hauled. The line-item veto would be a major improvement. Though the Supreme Court determined that international corporations may spend enormous amounts to influence the outcomes of even local elections, Congress should insist on transparency: who gave how much to which candidate or point of view?

Some TV commentators have said that the 2010 election efforts have already begun. Let us hope that both parties have the grace to inform the public of their contributions to improving our future rather than just saying “no.”


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