If you make over $250,000 a year and have a net worth of $2 million or more, don’t read any further. The GOtP is doing just what you want.
The lame duck session of congress now drawing to its conclusion has pointed out what the incoming Republicans are really interested in: keeping the rich wealthy and limiting the president to one term. They held middle class Americans and the unemployed hostage until the tax break including those identified in the first sentence was safe. They also insisted on a very expensive inheritance tax limit that affects just a very few families.
The U.S. Census Bureau reported that the median income for Michigan in 2008-2009 was $47,797.
The diagram above, for 2005, shows that only two percent of U.S. households made more than the magic $250,000. It also reflects how much skewed income is: the median in that year was around $46 thousand. Twenty percent of households made less than about $19 thousand.
During the 2010 campaign, Republicans gulled the single issue folks (immigrants, evolution, gays, left handed people, et cetera) by including fiery phrases by the right-wing media to insure they would vote them into power. Once elected, however, the real issues were addressed. The Republicans want to insure that the high dollar donations to their efforts continue; many of them are on the same team and don’t really care about the other 98%.
As I have said before, the Democrats contributed to this mess. Only about 43% of the electorate showed up to vote. Now the ultra-left is pounding Obama for his compromise on tax relief, the only way to help the unemployed and delay the day when taxes, inevitably, must go up.